Saturday, June 07, 2008

Alhamdulillah.............Lega banget

Setelah perjuangan yang panjang setelah hampir 5 tahun bertungkus lumus di kampus USM ini kemarin 4 June 2008 alhamdulillah tahap-tahap yang menegangkan telah terlewati…
Ketika semua urusan administrasi selesai aku laksanakan….ternyata…benar-benar ngak bisa membendung airmata lega yang keluar……………………

Menangis………….??? Yah pasti apalagi ketika aku menelpon ke bapak dan tentunya ke suami juga…untuk mengabarkan rasa kelegaan ini…


Alhamdulillah, As a long journey and endeavor, this thesis was not a solo effort. I owe a tremendous of gratitude to the many people that assist and support me, that it is difficult to know where to begin and end this list. Even after one of the longest acknowledgments list ever written in this thesis is done, I am sure I will have forgotten some important people. To you I offer my apologies and implicit thanks. The very first, I would like to pay special tribute to my supervisors Ass. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar and Prof. Ahmad Shukri who served as a source of inspiration since the conception of this thesis, helped me with advice, comments and suggestions. They were always available when I needed their advice or wisdom, but gave me the freedom to work independently.
Next, I would like to thank the Syiah Kuala University (SKU), Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Indonesia for support my study. I also wish to thank Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), for hosting me and for the use of all facilities, where I learnt so much from being part of a graduate student here.
I would like to thank the whole staff of the Department of Radiotherapy, Pantai Mutiara Hospital, Pulau Pinang for their excellent assistance and support during this work and kindly providing me the help on the radiotherapy data. These datasets contributed significantly to the quality of the work and study presented in these pages.
I want to thank the Dean of the School of Physics USM and all the staff of Biophysics Laboratory, School of Physics, for providing an atmosphere teeming with a collaborative spirit and enthusiasm for research. Special thanks also to my wonderful friends En.Azmi Omar and En. Azmi Abdullah for their technical advice, .DR. Eid, Kak Wan Salwani, Aisyah, and Ramzun, a very special thank you for all your help, cooperation, assistance and encouragement and thankfulness, Prof. Abdul Aziz Tajuddin and Dr. Sabar Bauk for their kind advice in discussion of the teory.
Further, I would like to express my special thanks to my parents, Prof. Soewardi Soekirman and Nur Aini Umar, Usman Ismail and Allahyarhamah Djuairiah Sabi my parent-in-law, my sisters and brothers Yusrina, SH and Samsul Bahri, SH, Dahliana S.Pd and Ir. Saiful Bahri, Drg. Ridha Andayani and Ir. Jailani AR , Rina Novita, M.Sc and M. Tahir, M.Sc, Dewi Harfina. M.S and Amri Ismail, MS and Ismail, MS and Novianti, S.Pd for their supporting and do’a during this very challenging period of my life.
Finally, especially and most importantly, to my husband and best friend, DR. Muhammad Syukri and my son and source of inspiration, Raushan al Kasyfie Muhammad, for their wonderful support, love, patience, distraction, and comfort during this trying odyssey known as graduate school, and particularly during that rather surreal period known as “writing up”. I could not have done this without dedicating my thesis to them.

Rini Safitri
Medical Physics – USM
School of Physics
Pulau Pinang - Malaysia

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker